Marketing CRM

The Marketing CRM by Mailchimp focuses on four main points.

  • Connecting all your audience data so that it can be categorized in to ‘ready-made’ segments
  • Organizing your data in to your own segments to filter the data in order to get the insights that you want
  • Understanding the patterns in the data so that a single glance at the dashboard can reveal what you would like to know
  • Using the data to setup automated messages which can trigger based on segments or tags

This process allow you to get a holistic view of your audience, whether you’re starting from scratch or are playing with mountains of data; every little bit counts.


The data will also be organized so that your audience dashboard will provide an at-a-glance look and the tabs will provide a detailed look into each and every insight.


You will also be able to organize your contacts the way you want to, using the segmentation tools available at Mailchimp. Since it’s all customizable, you’ll be able to design the layout that you’re comfortable with

In-Depth Analysis

The in-depth analysis that will be gleaned from all the data collected will not only give you a bird’s eye view of the entire situation, but will also allow Mailchimp to give you patterns that it has discovered by scanning revenue reports, individual and collective engagement with the audience, and looking at their behavior.

Individual Insights

The types of insights that you can get using Mailchimp don’t only focus on growth, but they focus on where you need to focus more of your resources and where your next market may be.

They’ll highlight where your newest customers are coming from and which messages need to be sent out to which contacts based on individual tags. Insights will also filter your contacts by location and region so that you can focus on making individual marketing campaigns for different regions and sub-divisions of that.

They will also allow you to craft emails that are based on previous interactions with customers so that each one sounds different depending on the customers’ preferences and personal tastes.

Customer’s Lifetime Value

This is a useful metric that will help you differentiate between very loyal customers and those that are only paying cursory attention to your organization. It is an objective estimate, based on prior data, of how much time a customer will spend in your store or using your services in the future.

This falls in to four general categories:

  • High: Customers whose future spend is high
  • Moderate: Customers whose predicted future spend amount is moderate
  • Low: Customers whose predicted future spend amount is low
  • New: Customers that are new and whose predicted future spend amount is uncertain since they have made their first purchase in the last 30 days

Purchase Likelihood

You will also be given a metric called Purchase Likelihood which determines how to market to your contacts. Based on previous buying patterns, products that your customers will buy will be rated according to what they want to buy.

The purchase likelihood is also divided in to four general categories:

  • New: New customers that have made their first purchase in the last 30 days
  • High: Customers that are likely to make a purchase again
  • Moderate: Customers that have or may have disengaged with their purchased activity
  • Low: Customers that aren’t likely to purchase again

The factors that come in to play here are “Customer age” which is a measure of how long they’ve been a customer of the company, the time period between their first and last purchase, and the time since their most recent purchase.

Purchasing frequency also comes in to play here, since it determines how avid of a shopper the customer is.

Tags & Segments

You can use Mailchimp in order to organize your entire audience into segments and tags as discussed before. These tags can categorize your audiences depending on what you know about them including their use of coupons, or their standing as a social media influencer either on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.

You can also create segments which are based on your own criteria since there are infinite ways to categorize people. To use a more targeted strategy, you can create a group of people who respond well to one product rather than the other, or ones who are interested in holiday sales and promotions more than others. Additionally, you could also categorize your audience based on the type of email that they gravitate toward. These will help you indefinitely market your products and/or services to your customers much better.

Pre-Built Segments

After you’ve sent a few campaigns through Mailchimp, you’ll have a lot of great data to play around with. The best way to do so is by sorting your users, and by extension, that data, into pre-built segments.

If you categorize your data, it will allow you to gain more insights than you would if you didn’t. Depending on your plan, you or may not have access to the pre-built segments, but you can see which features are included in each plan.

The segments are generated depending on the traits of a subscriber and their behavior. This can include how much time has passed since they’ve opened a single one of your emails or participated in a special offer or campaign etc.

The most basic of these pre-built segments include “Active Subscribers” and “Inactive Subscribers”. The criterion for the former is that they’ve opened at least one of your recent campaigns, while a person has to ignore at least five of your campaigns in a row to be part of the latter.

Sign Up Forms

Other pre-built segments can include ones that have used a Facebook sign up form, a Hosted sign up form, or an app for Mailchimp on Android or iOS or on the Web. All these insights help you market to your base the most.

Customer Behavior

Customer Behavior segments help you determine which of your audience is interested in your products and which ones are already using them and to what extent. You need to have 3.0 E-commerce data in your account in order to take advantage of this feature.

Customer behavior pre-built segments include

  • Potential customers which are subscribers that haven’t purchased anything from your store
  • Recent customers which have made a purchase in the last 30 days
  • First-time customers which are subscribers that have made a purchase in the last 30 days
  • Repeat customers which have placed more than one order from your store
  • Lapsed customers which haven’t purchased a single thing from you in the last 8 months


These segments are based mainly on gender and age. Typical segments include Male, Female, under the age of 35 and over the age of 35. Mixing and matching these demographic segments can help you find out what your target audience is interested in, and what to market to them next.

These pre-built segments mainly serve the purpose of finding the right recipients for your campaigns as well as helping you design the best campaigns and ads for them based on their segmented data.

Multi-Channel Advertising

You can use various channels of advertising through Mailchimp including social media, email (of course), and even real post in order to grow your audience. Through innovative marketing methods and data gathering techniques, Mailchimp allows customers to grow their audiences and reach out to greater and greater swathes of people.


Everybody loves receiving postcards, and you can mail them to your customers for as little as 75 cents a card. You can use all your marketing channels to decide what kind of postcard you can design and send to specific customers. You can create your own design and choose the person that you want to reach and Mailchimp will send the postcard on your behalf.

The Address Finder feature in Mailchimp will also help you find the location of the subscriber that you want to send your postcard to. Hence, you can make your way from their inbox to their mailbox.

You can follow up with customers automatically since a friendly reminder about recurring events or ongoing promotions is always a plus. And as always, with Mailchimp you can schedule your postcard for the right date and time so that they can be prepared and sent in time.

To measure the effects of your postcards, you can even add a promo code or a special offer to the postcard so that you can objectively see how effective your postcards are.

Lookalike Audience Finder

This feature works with social ads and postcards in order to help you reach more people which are similar in many respects to your current audience members.

The Lookalike Audience Finder can take data from your campaigns, your Facebook and Instagram ads and your other social media handles in order to generate segments which target people that are interested in what your audiences are.

Hence, you can generate multi channel campaigns and grow your audience many times over.


This is all about making your emails feel more like a natural conversation rather than an ad or a message to your subscribers and customers. It will allow you to pull in content which is specific to each of your contacts so that your marketing feels a lot of more focused and concentrated to one user.

You can add something as simple as a customer’s first name and even create an entire email using nothing but merge tags.

Merge Tags

Merge tags are tags that you can use to lump wide swathes of your audience in to groups so that they can be targeted much better for campaigns that have mass appeal. This is a text-based identifier which corresponds to the data in an audience field.

This tag can be used to modify or change emails based on the type of audience it is being pitched to. This is called dynamic content and it helps market the same product to different audiences in different ways.

Send Time Optimization

Mailchimp can offer its users a lot of ways to send emails to people that will be more effective than the run-of-the-mill ad campaign and one of them is Send Time Optimization which allows you to determine the best time to send emails to your customers.

When you create an email and turn on Send Time Optimization, Mailchimp pinpoints the ideal time within 24 hours of your selected send data and sends your campaign at that time.

This includes something called Timewarp which allows you to schedule emails and email campaigns depending on the time zone of the customer or subscriber. Depending on your plan, you may not have access to Timewarp; however, with paid plans, you can use the Universal Coordinated Time to send emails at the right time all around the world.

Predicted Demographics

If you have an eligible paid plan under Mailchimp, you can get access to Predicted Demographics, which allows you to infer the categories your customers fall into based on the data that you have collected.

These demographics are extracted from the account information that Mailchimp collects from across the world and uses the same gender and age range categories as Google Ads. Hence, you can apply these insights to other marketing platforms as well.

All the contacts you have which aren’t categorized by gender or age will be categorized based on their behavior and inference. Hence, you can market to your segment much better. You can also increase the accuracy of the data by activating the audience publicity settings as well.

Demographics data will appear directly in the contact profile of the person in question and it will also be factored in to the age and gender stats of your audience as a whole. This will help get more accurate campaign reports and filter demographics by total recipients and opens and clicks.

With advanced demographics, predicted age ranges, and enhanced data, you can do more with the data that you already possess. By categorizing your audience further, you can look at niches you didn’t know you were accessing and assess from their behavior what they’re attracted to.

At the end of the day, it’s all about better marketing, and more data and more precision help you do that. And Mailchimp’s accuracy will help you do that better than any other platform out there.

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